Fixing the Blog - Adding a Sitemap to a Next.js Page

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Recently, I attended a presentation on SEO for Technical Blogs at the Frontend Conference of Gitto. One of the recommendations was to add a sitemap to the blog for SEO purposes.

I thought I was generating the sitemap using the next-sitemap library, but after the presentation, I checked and found it was not working properly. Fixing it wasn't very difficult, but in the meantime, Next.js 13's Metadata API has also begun to support sitemap generation.

Therefore, I decided to remove next-sitemap and add the sitemap based on the method outlined in the Next.js official documentation.

1. Generating a Static Sitemap

For a simple site, you can create a static sitemap by making an app/sitemap.xml file in the app folder. If you prefer, you can use a website like xml-sitemaps to generate the sitemap by simply inputting the site address.

For instance, if this blog only has a main page and an /about page, the app/sitemap.xml file can be created as follows:

<urlset xmlns="">

If the website is small and there are few or no new routes to be added to the sitemap, generating a static sitemap in this manner is a good idea. The added sitemap can be checked at the /sitemap.xml route.

2. Generating a Dynamic Sitemap

2.1. Basic Generation Method

You can dynamically generate the sitemap by using an app/sitemap.ts (you can also use .js). You need to create a function that returns an array of objects containing the URLs' information. This function should be exported as export default.

// app/sitemap.ts
import { MetadataRoute } from 'next'

export default function sitemap(): MetadataRoute.Sitemap {
  return [
      url: '',
      lastModified: new Date(),
      changeFrequency: 'daily',
      priority: 1,
      url: '',
      lastModified: new Date(),
      changeFrequency: 'daily',
      priority: 0.8,

Next.js provides the MetadataRoute.Sitemap type for the sitemap object. As shown above, this type is defined as follows, and you need to create an object array that matches this structure.

type SitemapFile = Array<{
    url: string;
    lastModified?: string | Date;
    changeFrequency?: 'always' | 'hourly' | 'daily' | 'weekly' | 'monthly' | 'yearly' | 'never';
    priority?: number;

If you want to generate different sitemaps by region, you can add an alternates property to the object in the returned array of app/sitemap.ts.

Although alternates is not a property in the SitemapFile type, due to TypeScript's structural typing feature, adding object properties does not cause an error. The alternates property is converted properly into a sitemap element by Next.js.

// app/sitemap.ts
import { MetadataRoute } from 'next'

export default function sitemap(): MetadataRoute.Sitemap {
  return [
      url: '',
      lastModified: new Date(),
      changeFrequency: 'daily',
      priority: 1,
      alternates: {
        languages: {
          es: '',
          en: '',
    // ...

Note that the dynamic sitemap in the app/ folder will be ignored if there is an explicitly present public/sitemap.xml.

2.2. Application to Blog

For very large sites, it is possible to manage the sitemap by creating them per route. This method will be covered in the next section. However, since my blog is not that large, I decided to include all routes in the app/sitemap.ts file.

First, I created an array that includes the baseline routes that should be included in the sitemap.

// app/sitemap.ts
const defaultSiteMap: MetadataRoute.Sitemap = [
    url: '',
    lastModified: new Date(),
    changeFrequency: 'daily',
    priority: 1,
    url: '',
    lastModified: new Date(),
    changeFrequency: 'daily',
    priority: 0.8,
    url: '',
    lastModified: new Date(),
    changeFrequency: 'daily',
    priority: 0.8,

Next, I combined the URLs obtained from the postMetadata array containing the title, URL, etc., with the previously created defaultSiteMap array.

export default function sitemap(): MetadataRoute.Sitemap {
  const sitemapFromPosts: MetadataRoute.Sitemap = => {
    return {
      url: '' + post.url,
      lastModified: new Date(,
      changeFrequency: "daily",
      priority: 0.7,
  return [...defaultSiteMap, ...sitemapFromPosts];

Now you can access the sitemap at

Sitemap Generation Result

In my case, it was not necessary, but if you need to create a sitemap using data from a server, you can make the sitemap function an async function to handle the data fetching asynchronously.

3. Generating Multiple Sitemaps

In my blog, the only dynamically generated URLs are the blog posts. Therefore, generating the entire sitemap at once is not problematic.

However, in large-scale web applications where there are many basic routes and diverse dynamically generated URLs, it may be impractical to create a sitemap in this way.

Generating the sitemap all in one file can complicate code logic management, and if the sitemap file becomes too large, search engines may take longer to read it.

Hence, Next.js supports the ability to split the sitemap generation into multiple files.

3.1. Using Route Folders

One way to distribute site maps across multiple files is to create sitemap.(xml|js|ts) files within route folders to generate individual sitemaps. For example, if you want to create a separate sitemap for the blog posts on my blog, you can create a file pages/posts/sitemap.ts to generate the sitemap. The format is the same as shown earlier.

// pages/posts/sitemap.ts
export default function sitemap(): MetadataRoute.Sitemap {
    return {
      url: blogConfig.url + post.url,
      lastModified: new Date(,
      changeFrequency: 'daily',
      priority: 0.7,

In this case, you can view the sitemap for the blog posts at Be sure to register this sitemap address in services like Google Search Console.

3.2. Using generateSitemaps

This method can be used in conjunction with the previously described method and allows for generating multiple sitemaps from a single route. By using the generateSitemaps function, you can create several sitemaps.

First, modify the generateSitemaps function in sitemap.ts to return an array of objects with an id property.

// app/sitemap.ts
export function generateSitemaps(): { id: number }[] {
  return [
    { id: 1 },
    { id: 2 },

This will serve as an argument to the sitemap function. The sitemap function now accepts an object with the id property, and you can make it return different sitemaps based on the id.

// app/sitemap.ts
export default async function sitemap({
  id: number
}): Promise<MetadataRoute.Sitemap> {
  const serverData = await fetch(`${id}`);

    return {
      url: data.url,
      lastModified: new Date(,
      changeFrequency: 'daily',
      priority: 0.7,

This allows you to check the sitemap at addresses like /sitemap/1.xml, /sitemap/2.xml, etc., corresponding to the ids returned by generateSitemaps.

This method can also be combined with the previous method of generating sitemaps within route folders. For instance, if my blog has a lot of posts and I want to distribute the sitemap among several files, I can use the generateSitemaps function.

You could generate sitemaps in batches of 100, making it possible to check the blog's /posts/sitemap/1.xml, /posts/sitemap/2.xml, etc.

// app/sitemap.ts
export function generateSitemaps(): { id: number }[] {
  const sitemapCount = Math.ceil(postMetadata.length / 100);
  return Array.from({ length: sitemapCount }, (_, i) => ({ id: i + 1 }));

export default async function sitemap({
  id: number
}): Promise<MetadataRoute.Sitemap> {
  const start = (id - 1) * 100;
  const end = id * 100;
  const sitemapFromPosts: MetadataRoute.Sitemap = postMetadata.slice(start, end).map((post) => {
    return {
      url: '' + post.url,
      lastModified: new Date(,
      changeFrequency: "daily",
      priority: 0.7,
  return sitemapFromPosts;


Next.js official documentation for sitemap.xml

GenerateSitemaps in Next.js documentation

Creating XML Sitemaps in Next.js