How Does the Provider Component of Jotai Work?

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Jotai and Provider

Jotai is a global state management library that provides functionality similar to Recoil. It allows for bottom-up state management using the useAtom hook. By using the Provider component, different states can be utilized within specific component subtrees.

For instance, consider a Counter component that utilizes Jotai:

const countAtom = atom(0);

export function Counter() {
  const [count, setCount] = useAtom(countAtom);
  return (
      <button onClick={() => setCount((c) => c + 1)}>+1</button>

Since countAtom exists globally, the same state is shared across all instances of the Counter component. However, by using the Provider component, different states can be accessed within specific component subtrees.

As shown below, each Provider allows its child components to utilize the global state of that specific Provider.

This means that Counter components under the "First TodoList Provider" and those under the "Second TodoList Provider" operate with different global states. Of course, components under the same Provider share the same global state.

function App() {
  return (
      <h1>State Management Experiment</h1>
        <h2>First TodoList Provider</h2>
        <Counter />
        <Counter />
        <h2>Second TodoList Provider</h2>
        <Counter />
        <Counter />

With the Provider component from the React Context API, it was necessary to specify the value to be used globally via the value props. However, Jotai's Provider does not utilize value props.

So how does Jotai's Provider function to allow different states to be accessed within specific component subtrees? I was curious and reviewed Jotai's source code.

2. Internal Code of Jotai Provider

Since Jotai is open source, the source code can be viewed on GitHub.

2.1. Provider Component

Jotai's Provider component is implemented as follows:

// src/react/Provider.ts
export const Provider = ({
}: {
  children?: ReactNode
  store?: Store
}): FunctionComponentElement<{ value: Store | undefined }> => {
  const storeRef = useRef<Store>()
  if (!store && !storeRef.current) {
    storeRef.current = createStore()
  return createElement(
      value: store || storeRef.current,

The reason value props are unnecessary becomes clear. The Provider internally creates and utilizes StoreContext.Provider, passing either store or storeRef.current as value props.

What does this value represent? Jotai's atoms do not hold actual values; instead, a separate store object (WeakMap) holds the atom values. The createStore function can be used to create this store object.

This store independently maintains the state of each atom. You can think of the store as a mechanism that maps each atom to its actual state.

2.2. createStore Function

The documentation for the createStore function provides the following explanation:

// src/vanilla/store.ts
 * Create a new store. Each store is an independent, isolated universe of atom
 * states.
 * Jotai atoms are not themselves state containers. When you read or write an
 * atom, that state is stored in a store. You can think of a Store like a
 * multi-layered map from atoms to states, like this:
 * ```
 * // Conceptually, a Store is a map from atoms to states.
 * // The real type is a bit different.
 * type Store = Map<VersionObject, Map<Atom, AtomState>>
 * ```
 * @returns A store.
export const createStore = (): Store => {
  // ... omitted ...

With this understanding, let's revisit the Provider component. If there is no existing store object passed as props or stored in storeRef.current, the component will create one using the createStore function and assign it to value.

If an external store object is created using createStore or similar methods and passed to the Provider, that specific store will be used.

// src/react/Provider.ts
export const Provider = ({
}: {
  children?: ReactNode
  store?: Store
}): FunctionComponentElement<{ value: Store | undefined }> => {
  const storeRef = useRef<Store>()
  if (!store && !storeRef.current) {
    storeRef.current = createStore()
  return createElement(
      value: store || storeRef.current,

The use of useRef appears to be for maintaining the value even upon re-rendering of the component. This usage of useRef to keep a value across re-renders is also described in the official React documentation.

Thus, the Provider internally uses StoreContext.Provider to provide the store object to child components. But how do the child components utilize this store object?

3. useStore Hook

3.1. Hook Definition

The file containing the Provider component code also defines a useStore hook, intended for accessing the store.

If the hook receives a store through its arguments, it returns that store; otherwise, it returns the store retrieved from StoreContext. If neither is the case, it returns the default store used when Jotai atoms are utilized without a wrapping Provider component (the function getDefaultStore() returns this default store).

type Options = {
  store?: Store

export const useStore = (options?: Options): Store => {
  const store = useContext(StoreContext)
  return options?.store || store || getDefaultStore()

Therefore, useStore can be seen as a hook for retrieving the store object that should be utilized.

3.2. Accessing Store Through useStore Hook

This hook is responsible for fetching the store provided by the Provider within useAtom.

The useAtom hook is defined as follows:

// src/react/useAtom.ts
export function useAtom<Value, Args extends unknown[], Result>(
  atom: Atom<Value> | WritableAtom<Value, Args, Result>,
  options?: Options,
) {
  return [
    useAtomValue(atom, options),
    // We do wrong type assertion here, which results in throwing an error.
    useSetAtom(atom as WritableAtom<Value, Args, Result>, options),

It returns useAtomValue and useSetAtom. useAtomValue retrieves the atom's value, while useSetAtom provides a function for modifying the atom's value.

When only the atom's value or the function for modifying it is needed, useAtomValue and useSetAtom may be used separately. In any case, examining the internals of these functions reveals that they utilize the useStore hook to obtain the store.

// src/react/useAtomValue.ts
export function useAtomValue<Value>(atom: Atom<Value>, options?: Options) {
  const store = useStore(options)
  // ... omitted ...

// src/react/useSetAtom.ts
export function useSetAtom<Value, Args extends unknown[], Result>(
  atom: WritableAtom<Value, Args, Result>,
  options?: Options,
) {
  const store = useStore(options)
  // ... omitted ...

In this way, child components from each Provider component can utilize different store objects.

3.3. Memory Leak Prevention with WeakMap

When multiple Provider components exist, one might worry about memory waste due to having several store instances.

However, Jotai's store objects are managed through WeakMap. Additionally, the atom states within the store objects are also managed using WeakMap.

Thus, if an atom is no longer in use, the store object will not retain a reference to that atom, allowing the garbage collector to free it from memory. Therefore, each store object only retains atom states that are actively in use, preventing memory waste even when multiple store objects are created.

4. Conclusion

Jotai's Provider component utilizes StoreContext.Provider to provide the store to its child components. Each store independently maintains the atom states.

The useAtomValue hook for retrieving atom values and the useSetAtom hook for obtaining functions to modify these values internally utilize the useStore hook to access the store object from the nearest Provider.

Through this methodology, child components belonging to different Providers can each utilize different store objects, thereby allowing distinct global states to be accessed. The store objects are managed via WeakMap, ensuring no memory waste occurs.


Daiichi Kato, Lee Seon-hyeop, Kim Ji-eun, "Micro State Management Using React Hooks"

Official Documentation for Jotai's Provider

Jotai createStore, getDefaultStore

Jotai Source Code

MDN Documentation on WeakMap