Learning Frontend Knowledge CSS-1
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CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and is a language used to specify the style of web pages. CSS allows you to style HTML. It is also one of the barriers of frontend development. Let's study this through the MDN tutorial.
1. What is CSS?
CSS specifies how a document is displayed to the user. This includes settings such as font size and background color of the document. Generally, a document refers to a text file composed of a markup language, which could be HTML, SVG, or XML.
1.1. CSS Syntax
CSS selects specific elements or groups of elements through a selector and applies styles to them. The selector can be the name of the element, a class, or an ID. Styles consist of properties and values. For example:
h1 {
color: red;
font-size: 5em;
The h1
elements are selected, and styles are specified in the form of property:value;
. Each style is separated by a ;
. The properties are known as CSS properties, and each property accepts specific values. For instance, the color property can only accept color values.
1.2. CSS Specifications
Like other web standard technologies, CSS also has standard organizations. The W3C's CSS Working Group develops it, and new CSS features are developed here.
When developing new features, backward compatibility is always considered to ensure that older websites work well in browsers.
1.3. Browser Support
The level of CSS support varies among browsers. If you use CSS not implemented in a browser, it will not render on the screen. For the latest specifications, some browsers implement them while others do not.
You can check whether a browser has implemented specific CSS at caniuse.com. For example, searching for grid
would yield the following results.
2. Getting Started with CSS
CSS is applied to HTML documents. There are several ways to apply CSS to an HTML document, and we will use the most common method: linking CSS to the HTML document.
Create a CSS file in the same location as the HTML document and add the following to the head tag of the HTML document. Let’s name the CSS file index.css
<link href="index.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Now let's add styles to the CSS file. This is how it can be done:
h1 {
color: aqua;
Next, add an h1
tag to the HTML document. Write index.html
as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ko-KR">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<title>Getting Started with CSS</title>
<link href="index.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Now, when you open index.html
in the browser, the text "Hello" will appear in aqua color.
2.1. Various Selectors
2.1.1. Universal Selector
Using *
allows you to select all elements.
* {
color: aqua;
2.1.2. ID Selector
The ID selector uses #id
. Since there should only be one element with a specific ID in the document, the ID selector can select only one element.
#title {
color: aqua;
2.1.3. Class Selector
Selecting and styling all HTML elements has its limitations. You can use classes. In CSS, writing .classname
allows you to select and style a class.
.space-list {
list-style-type: kannada;
Now, add class="space-list"
to the li
tags. The list will be displayed as follows:
You can also select elements with a specific class among specific tags by writing tag.classname
li.space-list {
color: red;
Since an element can have multiple class values (separated by spaces), HTML elements can inherit styles just by specifying already styled classes.
2.1.4. Attribute Selector
You can select elements with specific attributes. By using selector[attribute]
, you can select elements that possess a specific attribute among those selected. The following selects a
tags that have a target attribute.
a[target] {
color: aqua;
selects elements that match the exact value of the attribute.
selects elements that contain the specified value as a whole word separated by spaces. For example, h1[title~="first"]
would not select elements with the title attribute "heading-first" but would select those with "heading first," since "first" is a distinct word.
If you want to compare attribute values case-insensitively, attach i
directly before the closing bracket.
/* Case insensitive selection of attr as A or a. */
li[attr="a" i]
There are other types of selectors based on conditions with attributes, which can be found at poiemaWeb when needed.
2.1.5. Compound Selector
A descendant selector is written as parent desc
. It selects all descendant elements that match the desc selector from the elements selected by the parent selector.
The following would select all p
tags that are descendants of a div
div p {
color: aqua;
If you want to select only direct children rather than descendants, you can use the child selector written as parent > child
Using A + B
selects the B selector element that immediately follows the A selector. This is known as the adjacent sibling selector.
Using A ~ B
selects all B selector elements following the A selector. This is known as the general sibling selector.
2.1.6. Pseudo-class Selector
The pseudo-class selector can style elements based on their state, such as when the mouse hovers over them or when they are focused. This is indicated with a :
written as selector:pseudo-class-name
The following would change the a tag text to aqua color when the mouse hovers over the a tag.
a:hover {
color: aqua;
The link selectors are as follows: a:visited
for visited links and a:link
for unvisited links.
Dynamic selectors function as follows: selector:active
for the clicked state, selector:focus
for the focused state, and selector:hover
for the hovered state.
UI state selectors include selector:enabled
indicating that the selector is activated and enabled, selector:disabled
indicating it is disabled, and selector:checked
indicating that checkboxes or radio buttons are checked.
These can be combined with other selectors; for example, input:enabled + div
selects the div immediately following an enabled input.
Structural pseudo-classes are selected based on where the selector occupies a position.
selects the first child among the selected elements. selector:last-child
selects the last child among the selected elements.
selects the nth child among the selected elements. selector:nth-last-child(n)
selects the nth child from the end among the selected elements.
In this case, values of n that are 0 or negative are omitted. Therefore, li:nth-child(2n-1)
selects the odd-numbered child li
selects the first occurring element among siblings that match the selector. selector:last-of-type
selects the last occurring element among siblings that match the selector.
selects the nth element among siblings that meet the selector condition. selector:nth-last-of-type(n)
selects the nth element from the end among siblings that match the selector.
There is also a negation selector. selector:not(A)
selects all elements except those corresponding to the A selector.
The validity selector :valid
is applied when an input or form element's validation succeeds. :invalid
is applied when validation fails. This validation can be done using attributes like required, pattern, etc.
2.1.7. Pseudo-element Selector
Pseudo-elements are used to style specific parts of an element, such as the space before a certain element. They are expressed using ::
and must use names defined in CSS standards.
selects the first letter of the element's content. ::first-line
selects the first line of the element's content.
selects the space before the element and ::after
selects the space after the element's content. Additionally, ::selection
selects the content that has been dragged.
::selection {
background-color: aqua;
2.1.8. Selector Summary
Here’s a summary table of the selectors discussed above.
Selector | Example |
Universal Selector | * {} |
Tag Selector | h1 {} |
ID Selector | #my-id {} |
Class Selector | .my-class {} |
Attribute Selector | a[target] {} |
Pseudo-class Selector | a:link {} |
Pseudo-element Selector | ::first-line {} |
Descendant Selector | div p {} |
Child Selector | div > p {} |
Adjacent Sibling Selector | h1 + p {} |
General Sibling Selector | h1 ~ p {} |
2.2. Combining Selectors
If two or more items share the same CSS, you can combine selectors using a ,
h1, h2, h3 {
color: aqua;
Doing so will apply styles to h1, h2, and h3. However, note that if any of the combined selectors are invalid, the entire rule will be ignored.
h1, ..my-class, h2 {
color: aqua;
In this case, ..my-class
is an invalid selector, so the whole rule will be ignored.
3. Structure of CSS
Let's examine the language structure of CSS more closely.
3.1. Applying CSS
There are several methods to apply a CSS file to an HTML document. The first is to use the link element and provide the path to the CSS file in the href attribute.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles.css">
The second method is to use the style element inside the head tag.
h1 {
color: aqua;
The third method is to use inline styles. Inline styles involve directly writing styles as a string in the style attribute of an HTML element.
<h1 style="color:blue;">Hello.</h1>
However, using inline styles mixes HTML and CSS information, reducing readability and making CSS reuse impossible.
3.2. CSS Selector Specificity
There may be cases where two selectors target the same element. Although the prioritization will be discussed in more detail later, generally, more specific selectors have higher precedence.
h1 {
color: red;
.hi {
color: aqua;
And if the HTML element is written as follows:
<h1 class="hi">Class</h1>
In this case, the style applied to the class will take precedence because it is more specific.
3.3. Functions
There are several functions available in CSS. For example, the calc
function is used to calculate values.
width: calc(100% - 20px);
This means the width of the element will be set to 100% minus 20px. There are also functions like rotate
used with the transform property.
3.4. At-rules
At-rules begin with an at sign (@
) and encompass the semicolon or the next CSS block. Generally, they follow the form:
Examples include @import
for importing additional stylesheets or @media
for media queries.
@media (max-width: 600px) {
h1 {
color: red;
Other rules define character sets used in stylesheets with @charset
, and @font-face
is used for online fonts, among various others.
Once the browser meets the specified criteria, @supports
applies that content, and @keyframes
describes intermediate actions of CSS animations.
CSS comments are expressed using /* */
4. How CSS Works
Let's take a look at how browsers create web pages.
The browser first loads the HTML. Then, it constructs a DOM in the form of a node tree. At this stage, it does not load resources or CSSLinked to the HTML.
After completing the DOM creation, it retrieves resources like images linked to the HTML document and the CSS. Once the CSS is analyzed, it sorts different rules by the type of selector. It then decides which rules to apply to each node and compiles them into a render tree.
The render tree is a collection of nodes that are displayed on the screen after rules are applied. The browser will render based on this generated render tree.
If there is CSS that the browser cannot recognize, it ignores those rules and proceeds to the next stage.
CSS Selectors https://poiemaweb.com/css3-selector