Kim Sung Hyun

One day I saw some developers saying, without any hesitation, they love their work. I was indeed inspired from their passion and decided to become a developer. I have been with them ever since and wish to pursue such brilliance for the following years as well.



  • Personal Blog(2023.05 ~ Current)

  • Page :
  • GitHub :
    • Built a personal blog with NextJS. It is responsive and has a dark mode.
    • Wrote a remark plugin to generate TOC, modify image paths, and generate post thumbnails with canvas.
    • Implemented search function, debouncing optimization for search, and serverless DB-based view counter.
    • Improvement of Lighthouse performance score from 60~70 to 90~99 by optimizing computation and image optimization by compression, CDN and DOM tree reduction.
    • Aimed to write code that had a reason for every decision. And documented the entire process on my blog.


  • GDSC Hongik

  • Presented as an external speaker in the developer community in Hongik University, GDSC Hongik.

  • On the topic "What I learned from Software Maestro", talked about things to consider when working on a project in a team.
  • Youtube record(GDSC Hongik channel) :
  • Sogang ICPC Team

  • Worked for problem solving club in Sogang University.

  • Served as the club officer as double major student for the first time in the history of the club in 2022.
  • 2022 Sogang Programming Contest(SPC) Operator(Contest link)
  • 2022 Sogang University Clean Cup Contest Problem Setter/Operator(Contest link)
  • Operated a problem solving study group in the club from 2020 to 2022.
  • BBConf

  • Present at BBConf, an open conference started by the chatroom community.

  • Attended the conference since 2020 under the nickname 'Witch' and has presented on topics such as 'Making Terminal Text Editor', 'Software Maestro Review'.
  • Presentation Archive :


  • Sinchon Regional University Programming Club Union

  • Awards in the programming club association of five universities in the Sinchon region.

  • 2022 Winter Sinchon University Association Programming Contest 5th place(Team name : ECM)
  • 2021 Summer Sinchon University Association Programming Contest 9th place(Team name : ECM)
  • 2021 Summer ICPC Sinchon Algorithm Camp Contest 3rd place(Novice)


  • Sogang University Mechanical Engineering/Computer Science(Double Major)

  • 2015.03 ~ 2023.02
  • Credits for Computer Science Majors 4.03/4.3
  • Software Maestro 13th course

  • 2022.07 ~ 2022.11
  • Team "브로콜리 소마저" leader/front-end developer

Language Skills

  • OPIc(English) IM2(2023.03.10)